China tours to Taiyuan

Taiyuan, also known as Bingzhou, is the provincial capital of Shanxi province. In the meanwhile, it is the hub of politics, economy, culture of the province, bordering Fen River and surrounded by mountains. As one of the largest and most dominant cities in North China and one of the twenty-two super cities, it is on the junction of the three economical zones of China, playing the vital role of connecting the east and west, south and north in the course of opening up and economic development. Covering an area of 6988 sq. km, the city is divided into six districts, three counties, and one county-level city, where there are more than four million people in total. Since ancient times, Taiyuan has enjoyed the good reputation as Splendid Taiyuan City. Not only is it a place of ...

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16 Days World Heritage Discovery Tour in North of China

16 Days | Beijing, Chengde, Datong, Pingyao, Shanghai, Taiyuan, Xi'an

This China tour is truly special. Showcasing some of the most famous, and little known treasures of China, this tour is one that will leave you with a lifetime of incredible memories. You will visit sites like The Great Wall, The Forbidden City, The National Stadiums for the 2008...

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13 Days Pingyao International Photography Festival Tour

13 Days | Beijing, Pingyao, Shanghai, Taiyuan, Xi'an

Pingyao, one of the ancient city that are well preserved, is known for its historical culture as well as Lijiang of Yunnan. In Pingyao you will be immerged in the old sights, e.g. Ancient City Wall, Rishengchang Draft Bank, Ming and Qing Street, etc. And the best amazing highligh...

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21 Days China Bullet Train Tour with Silk Road Exploration

21 Days | Beijing, Dunhuang, Lanzhou, Pingyao, Taiyuan, Turpan, Urumqi, Xi'an, Zhangye

The tour combines two special experiences, i.e. China bullet train ride and the ancient Silk Road exploration. By taking this tour, you will have a marvellous view of the natural landscape, and feel the splendid culture as well as the modern civilization of China.

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4 Days Shanxi Flour Products Gourmet Tour

4 Days | Pingyao, Taiyuan

There are various types of noodles in Shanxi, each tasting unique. Set out for Shanxi, the age-old province with traditional Chinese cuisine. Genuine Flour Products nice Rice Wine...there must be one to fulfill your stomach!

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