Special Topics - China Guide

No matter whether it is your first China experience and how much you know about the country, our expert staff will strive to help you create the perfect tailor-made itinerary. VisitOurChina will spare no effort to give you a happy and memorable time together!

Best Seasons to China

Choosing a perfect time and destination for a vacations to China, from short staying itineraries to multi-destination travels in China, we hope the recommended destinations and tours will help customers to find their ideal vacation place.

Recommended China Tours

All highlight tours to China at a lower price, you will have chance to visit the most famous destinations like Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Tibet, Yangtze River, Silk Road etc. Enjoy our special discount and find a place for a family vacation (2-5 pax).


Zhangjiajie is especially renowned for Wulingyuan Scenic Area, which was inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzi Mountain, Tianmen Mountains, Zhangjiajie Great Canyon and other attractions are so fabulous that making it a hot destination in China.

Joys of Yangshuo

Yangshuo, a world famous fairyland, embraces the most typical karst landscape in the world. A universally recognized saying goes that landscape in Guilin is the best under heaven, yet that in Yangshuo is even more beautiful. Each single peak and each drop of water here are labeled with romance.

Four Great Ancient Capitals of China

The Chinese phrase Four Great Ancient Capitals of China traditionally refers to Beijing, Xi'an, Luoyang and Nanjing. Few cities in the world besides Beijing have served as the political and cultural centre of an area as immense as China for so long.

Interview with Foreigners in Guilin

Guilin has been a famous tourist city enjoying 2000 years history since Emperor Qin Shihuang period, renowned for its picturesque landscapes. We've made exclusive interview with the foreigners in China. Let's get to know them now!

Wudang Qigong Tai Chi

Wudang Qigong Taijiquan is a not well-known Taoist exercise. It follows the regimens of Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine) and combines a variety of Chinese traditional fitness regimens such as Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yi Jin Jing (changing tendon exercise). There are three main parts of the Wudang Qigong Taijiquan as we can find the recorded information: Tian (Sky), Ren (Human), Di (Earth).

Six Not-to-miss Places

Made up of 56 ethnic groups, China is a country with an area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, on which there are not only various ethnic customs and cultures but also rich historic and natural landscapes. All of these create the abundant tourist resources of China and appeal to travelers from all over the world in all seasons.

Yellow Mountain

Located in the south of Anhui Province, Mt. Huangshan (also called Yellow Mountain or Huangshan) has been hailing as "the Most Peculiar Mountain under the Heaven", vividly featuring with strangely-shaped pines, fantastic rock peaks, delightful hot springs and amazing cloud seas. Representing distinguishing seasonal beauties, Mt. Huangshan always pleases visitors by surprise even during winter time..

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall, which is the history of China. The Great Wall, which still has profound influence on China today, has been built more than 2000 years and represents a main part of Chinese history. So to speak, the Great Wall, in a sense, is history.