VOC's Travel BLOG

Our Travel Blog is the place to share our real life, travel experiences in China with you. Besides, we will provide information related to Chinese culture and China travel guide. "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near." Traveling makes us to be closer, let's discover China together!

Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. When Zhangjiajie steps into spring, it is always full of vigour, birds singing, flowers smelling sweet. Scenic spots such as Ten-mile Gallery, Yellow Dragon Cavern, and Wulingyuan Scenic Area give you surprise from time to time. Plants there will catch your eyes, brilliant-coloured azaleas in particular. They are just stretching under your eyes, and sometimes you will feel as if you were in the flower kingdom!


Taopingqiangzhai, or Taoping Qiang Village, 163 kilometres away from Chengdu, is located along the Zagunao River in the Taoping Village of Li County of Aba prefecture. First built in 111B.C, Taoping ancient Qiang Village boasts the intact Qiang architecture, culture and arts to this day, and lures people by virtue of its simple and unsophisticated folk customs. As the only well-protected Qiang village in the world, Taopingqiangzhai has been deemed as the living fossil in the study of original Qiang culture, and has enjoyed the reputation as the mysterious oriental ancient castle due to its typical Qiang architectures and complex road structures.


Every year in March and April, it is the season to enjoy cherry blossoms. The transiently splendid sakura always impress visitors with its beauty, sometimes like snow hanging on the tree, sometimes like raindrops dancing in the air. While sakura in Japan is known to the world, cherry blossom in China is also worth your appreciation. And here are some best places for your reference.


As early as in the year of 1996, Mountain Emei in Sichuan province was designated to the world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO. Nowadays, something enjoyable adds a new dimension to the Mt. Emei. In the 5th courtyard of Emei courtyard, Exiu Lake National Reserve, there is an ancient Chinese style courtyard the first global panda theme hotel is opened to the public.


This national AAAA scenic spot - Lotus Mountain Scenic Area, located 14 kilometres away from the northwestern part of Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, covers an area of 16,000 square metres, with its main peak reaching a height of 1,350 metres above sea level. Seen from afar, the ranges upon ranges of mountains look like lotus in bud, hence the name.


Next to the drum tower near the center of the village, we discovered a special old wood Ganlan house. When we came into it the host told us that the house had been nearly 100 years in history. Male hosts surname is Wu, over sixty years old but looks hale and hearty. His wife was carrying a baby of under the age in her arms and the babe fell asleep quietly. The old couple smiled to invite us to his house. We sat down on the second floor of their house, and he gave each of us a bowl of hot and fragrant oil tea. We were moved by the hospitality of the Dong people.


Coming out of Mr. Shis home, we were accompanied by a man surnamed Yang, deputy director of the village committee, to walk around the village. He kept introducing everything we saw to us on the way: the newly-built cement road through village, the four drum towers in the north, south, east and west, the elementary school built with mixed structure of cement etc.


After saying goodbye to the happy old men in the Elderly's Recreation Center, we walked our way up along the stairs paved with slate. We then came to Feishan Temple, a place where the Dong villagers worship their ancestors of ancient tribes. It's located half way up on a mountain slope and occupies an area of thirty square meters or so, not that big. Both the threshold and the door frames are made of local shale of a sandy nature. Entering the temple, we could see a shrine in the center of the wall facing the door.
