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In China, "flavor" is considered the soul of the cuisines. Each seasoning master can transform diverse raw and processed materials, seasonings, and cooking ways into a very different yummy flavor, salty, sweet, hot, sour, fresh, and kinds of combined flavors…. Among the traditional five flavors (sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and salty), sour is the kind which can both promote digestion and enhance appetite. However, another flavor, hot, which also enhances people’s appetite and often appeared with sour in Chinese menus, is the flavor loved by many people and adheres specifically to Sichuan Cuisine, the best known cuisine of the eight famous Chinese cuisines.

If you ask a Chinese student when 3 plus 7 will equal 8, he will most likely give you a funny answer with a sort of helpless expression: whenthe upcomingMid-Autumn Festival meets the National Day Golden Week. If you are interested, let me explain to you.

Among all flavor sensations, bitter is the one that naturally tends to be bad for us. Our taste buds for perceiving bitter flavors are hidden in the tongue root, though, they are extremely sensitive. However, Chinese seem to be particularly good at enjoying and tolerating bitter flavors. They seem to have developed the ability to appreciate both the bitter of life and foods in their struggle for a better life. Because they believe, there are richer flavor sensations hidden behind bitter. The usage of bitter not only exists in food material, but also in various seasonings, for instance, dried orange peel (Chinese: 陈皮, Chenpi).

Normally we could enjoy a little bit of leisure after harvesting of the second crop of rice. But the winter of 1973 was busy, especially in our ZhiQing spot. Because a big group of high school graduates were sent to our commune. That day, we were happy to welcome ten more new ZhiQing to our spot. Yes life was boring here. We always hoped something new would happen to us. The old house seemed too small for us. So the Commune decided to build another one- a new ZhiQing spot to us. Of course, the commune had no money for that, everything was paid by the central government. For this campaign was considered as a very important part of the Culture Revolution, a strategy of anti-capitalism.

I started my independent life just overnight, the year I was 16. Before that I had never left my parents for a remote place. The first night when I slept on bed in the village, my ear was still with the sound of drums. It was from the farewell ceremony of school. It was a long way from school to the commune by truck, and from the commune to the village on foot. But there was a further way in front of me. The more I thought: is this the place will I stay for life time. I was awake almost for the whole night.

Hengshan Mountain in Hunan,often calledNanyue (Southern Mountain)and Longevity Mountain, is one of the most famous FiveGreat Mountains of China (Mt. Taishan in Shandong Province, Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi Province, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi Province, Mt. Hengshan in Hunan Province and Mt. Songshan in Henan Province). Among the five mountains, Mount Hengshan in Hunanis said to be the most graceful one with green foliage and blossoms all the year around.
A Bite of China – Sugar and Sweet Flavour
2012-09-14 | China Food

Whether in Chinese cuisines or in Chinese language, the Chinese character 味, or flavor in English, is magic and all-inclusive. In Chinese culture, the definition or perception of flavor not only derives from food, but transcends food. That is to say, the real way to understand flavor is more than our tongues and noses. With our hearts, we Chinese can know more about 味. Generally speaking, there are quite a few flavors in cuisines, including, sweetness, sourness, bitterness, hotness, spiciness, saltiness, and freshness.

Tourism, a sunrise industry all over the world, is the strategic pillar industry of Guilin city. Themed as Create Business Opportunity, Enlarge International Market, the third China Guilin International Tourism Expo opened in Guilin International Convention Centre on 6th, September, 2012. It will last until 8th, September, 2012. And the public have an access to the exposition from 7th to 8th freely.