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Normally we could enjoy a little bit of leisure after harvesting of the second crop of rice. But the winter of 1973 was busy, especially in our ZhiQing spot. Because a big group of high school graduates were sent to our commune. That day, we were happy to welcome ten more new ZhiQing to our spot. Yes life was boring here. We always hoped something new would happen to us. The old house seemed too small for us. So the Commune decided to build another one- a new ZhiQing spot to us. Of course, the commune had no money for that, everything was paid by the central government. For this campaign was considered as a very important part of the Culture Revolution, a strategy of anti-capitalism.
I started my independent life just overnight, the year I was 16. Before that I had never left my parents for a remote place. The first night when I slept on bed in the village, my ear was still with the sound of drums. It was from the farewell ceremony of school. It was a long way from school to the commune by truck, and from the commune to the village on foot. But there was a further way in front of me. The more I thought: is this the place will I stay for life time. I was awake almost for the whole night.
This campaign was the late part of culture revolution (1966-1976), it started from two year of 1969, the third year of culture revolution, red guards had done the mission what Chairman Mao wanted. But the situation was out of control, red guards were still immersed in the passion of struggle. They wanted to carry out one after another great mission. The other crises were many factories and schools were closed. Graduated students were accumulated from three years. So send them to the countryside to share farmers' food, to let farmers to watch them, was not an idealistic way. But it can solve the problem at the moment. Then Chairman Mao raised this campaign.