VOC's Travel BLOG

Our Travel Blog is the place to share our real life, travel experiences in China with you. Besides, we will provide information related to Chinese culture and China travel guide. "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near." Traveling makes us to be closer, let's discover China together!

Jiayuguan is the west end of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, and the first mountain pass of the west Yellow River. Jiayuguan was built in the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) . When first completed, there were only ramparts surrounding the barracks. After 168 years of enhancements, the pass assumed its present appearance. Due to its strategic geographical location and imposing architectures, Jiayuguan Fort is dubbed as the impregnable pass around the world, it is ranked by UNESCO.


Situated in the center of Zhangye, the Giant Buddha Temple (Dafo Temple) really worths a visit. It was first built in 1098 (Western Xia Dynasty) and named after the statue worshiped inside. The temple is also known as “Wofo Temple” (Sleeping Buddha Temple). It’s an important historical site on the Silk Road and the landmark of Zhangye. There has a rare religious temple of Western Xia, the largest indoor sleeping buddha in Asia, rare buddhist scriptures, and thousands of collections of cultural relics.


China is the fourth-most visited country on earth. Approximately 57 million tourists visit the country per year, to explore its millenary culture and beautiful landscapes. If you want to make the most out of your trip to China, here are some things you should have in mind before starting the tour.


After finishing the sightseeing tour in Xiahe, we were driven back to Lanzhou, from where we would head for Zhangye. We boarded the bullet train from Lanzhou to Zhangye and started the 4.5-hour “sightseeing trip” on the train.


Located in the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province, Xiahe is a typical Tibetan area. Here you can deeply feel the customs and religious culture of the Tibetans though the place doesn't belong to Tibet. Only when you come here in person can you better understand it. Xiahe isa place really worth visiting for every visitor.


Founded in the Western Qin Dynasty, Bingling Temple Caves had been expanded over the ages and it has a history of more than 1,600 years. As a site of the “Silk Road: Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor Road Network”, it was successfully inscribed on the World Heritage List at the UNESCO World Heritage Committee’s 38th session held in Doha, Qatar on June 22, 2014.


This May I had a Silk Road tour with our honored customers from abroad. The over twenty days’ tour is such a great experience, left so many unforgettable memories. We chose Lanzhou as our starting point this time since we visited Xi’an before.


The people of China are the BIG reason why China is my very favorite travel destination of the 73 countries that I have visited. I've enjoyed traveling to each of these countries to be sure but there always has to be a number one. I look forward to another return visit to China.
