Charlie's China Tour—last day in Shanghai and farewell to China

2019-07-22China travel Guide

On this last day in China (on this adventure) I awoke at 6 AM. Final packing for the return trip home. Back home in Saint Paul, the temperature is 63 F (17C). Sounds great! Our final breakfast in China.

We will be picked up at 8:45 AM by Blake and our wonderful driver. Following the variety show last night, we walked about a block from the theater to a predetermined place where our driver promptly picked us up just like clockwork. This morning once again we were picked up right on schedule and off to the airport we went. At the airport we said our goodbyes to Blake who has taken such good care of us. Also to this very attentive driver. Didn't get his name. Yes, they both have been wonderful to us. We are also saying 'goodbye' to China. Speaking also for Jay, we have had the time of our lives. We have once again found that the people of China to be most loving, considerate, respectful, and helpful. In this world, they want peace just as much as the rest of us desire and long for peace. The people of China are the BIG reason why China is my very favorite travel destination of the 73 countries that I have visited. I've enjoyed traveling to each of these countries to be sure but there always has to be a number one. I look forward to another return visit to China.

Photo with the driver and tour guide in Shanghai

Pleasant flight home. I don't think I got any sleep but who cares. The flight from Shanghai touched down in San Francisco where we went through customs and the other airport protocol. From San Francisco the flight to Minneapolis/Saint Paul. We touched down at the airport at 4:40 PM. My good friend Dr. Ken Dayton picked me up at the airport and soon I was home and greeted by Valerie and our pup, Phoebe. By the time I got to bed I had been awake for 30 consecutive hours. I wish to again thank Sandy Ren of 'Visit Our China' tours for putting this 3 week tour together for Jay and I. We received excellent value for the cost of the tour and everything (EVERYTHING) went as scheduled. I encourage you to check with Sandy and 'Visit Our China' if you are considering traveling to China.

I also wish to thank all of our local guides and drivers who were all so very helpful and caring and took so much pride in the city that they represented: Nilson who picked us up when we were departing Hong Kong, Julie in Guilin, Sunny in Xian, Melody in Zhangjiajie, Catherine in Hangzhou, Cloris in Huangshan, and Blake in Shanghai. You are all wonderful.
It's good to be home with Valerie and Phoebe.  It's also good to begin dreaming of my next adventure. THANK YOU for following along with me. I very much appreciate your interest.

PS:  I was exposed to tea on many occasions on this adventure.  So I now have discovered tea which I now enjoy on a daily basis.  I also rediscovered..... BEER !! 


--by Charlie Kath (customer of Visit Our China)
