VOC's Travel BLOG

Our Travel Blog is the place to share our real life, travel experiences in China with you. Besides, we will provide information related to Chinese culture and China travel guide. "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near." Traveling makes us to be closer, let's discover China together!

After finishing the sightseeing tour in Xiahe, we were driven back to Lanzhou, from where we would head for Zhangye. We boarded the bullet train from Lanzhou to Zhangye and started the 4.5-hour “sightseeing trip” on the train.


This May I had a Silk Road tour with our honored customers from abroad. The over twenty days’ tour is such a great experience, left so many unforgettable memories. We chose Lanzhou as our starting point this time since we visited Xi’an before.


Chinese Noodles has a history of 4,000 years according to an archeological discovery in Qinghai Province where a 50-centimeter-long noodle made of millet was unearthed. Eating Noodles is a part of birthday celebrations in China. Long noodles stand for longevity in Chinese culture. Noodles are regarded as the staple food in North China and usually served as breakfast in South China. The reason lies in the two agricultural patterns in China: wheat and millet are mainly produced in North Chinawhile rice is mainly produced in South China. Chinese Noodles are generally made from wheat flour, rice flour, tapioca starch or any kind of starch, with eggs, peanuts, meat, shrimps, vegetables and so forth as ingredients. The most common noodles are wheat flour noodles and rice noodles.


The ancient Silk Road of China is a renowned commercial and cultural route opened up some 2000 years ago by the Chinese envoy Zhang Qian of Han Dynasty (202BC-220AD). With the purpose of building friendly relationships among China and other central and western Asian countries as well as some European ones, many Chinese products were taken along with the Silk Road, such as silk, satin, tea, bronze and porcelain; and likewise, plenty of other exotic specialties were brought back- spices, textiles, ivory, perfumes and precious stones from India, and gold, silver, jewels, carpets and wine from Roman. With silk being the major item traded along the route, thus its name of this world famous Silk Road, along which some other medicines, techniques and religions were also exchanged, and in the history, the camels, which is honored as the ship of the desert, are the major vehicles of the Silk Road.


Lanzhou is the provincial capital of the small Islamic province of Gansu in North-west China, it accounts for 3.5% of China's total population and only 2.3% of its GDP, it is easy to miss on a map, tucked in between Qinghai, Inner-Mongolia and Shanxi, I went there hoping to uncover some hidden wonders in a place that many tourists, both domestic and foreign choose to visit. ...
