VOC's Travel BLOG

Our Travel Blog is the place to share our real life, travel experiences in China with you. Besides, we will provide information related to Chinese culture and China travel guide. "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near." Traveling makes us to be closer, let's discover China together!

Visiting one of the biggest city in the world is an unforgettable moment especially when this one is located in China. Shanghai (上海), China's most famous city as well as a financial, economic and foreign trade metropolis, is just a must-see city in the country: it is the city that I had the chance to visit several years ago, in 2007. Since that time, Shanghai has for sure changed a lot, for example, hosting the large-scale international event of 2010 World Expo changed its urbanization and architecture in some areas.


TOP1 BEIJING - Capital of China Capital of China, blend of glorious ancient past and exciting modern development. Visit World Wonder Great Wall, Temple of Heaven, Forbidden City, Summer Palace; See Special Siheyuan residence complex and experience Hutong tour in rickshaw; Enjoy the famed Peking Opera, martial arts, and acrobatics at the night time; Wander along the Wangfujing Street and taste Beijing Roasted Duck.


After seriously injuring my knee while playing soccer in a university competition in early May and said knee not showing any sign of healing I had to go to Hong Kong to seek expert medical attention, after finding the standard of medical treatment in Guilin somewhere short of satisfactory. It's been a long time since I've visited Hong Kong and this time it left me with a striking impression. ...


11th-14th Nov, 2009, I went to Macao for a business meeting. I never expect to Macao so soon, in my mind, Hong Kong and Macao were both planned for traveling in my near future. When I got the business


Also called, the Oriental Pearl, I was looking forward to spend 4 days in Hong Kong. Looking back I have to admit that the shopping malls, stores and small shops have been most impressing to me as a shopping freakJ. Every place I visited was full of temptations to spend my money on. Very funny was the Ladies Market close to the Nathan Road (Kowloon), where buyers have to be good bargainees, too. And an impressive mall is The Landmark, a shopping center full of luxury stores like Prada, TiffanysCo or Tods....
