VOC's Travel BLOG

Our Travel Blog is the place to share our real life, travel experiences in China with you. Besides, we will provide information related to Chinese culture and China travel guide. "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near." Traveling makes us to be closer, let's discover China together!

Another story of reincarnation happened to a carpenter in Wu's village. One day, his 12-year old son talked to him abruptly and pointed out a few mistakes in his drawing. Thinking it merely as a child's joking, the veteran carpenter certainly could not believe his ears. His son was proved to be correct afterwards. His son had been the reincarnation of an old carpenter of the same village who had passed away over 10 years ago. Besides of that, he had been an apprentice for that carpenter, but now he became his son. His son could remember everything of his last life, including his craftsmanship as a carpenter.


This campaign was the late part of culture revolution (1966-1976), it started from two year of 1969, the third year of culture revolution, red guards had done the mission what Chairman Mao wanted. But the situation was out of control, red guards were still immersed in the passion of struggle. They wanted to carry out one after another great mission. The other crises were many factories and schools were closed. Graduated students were accumulated from three years. So send them to the countryside to share farmers' food, to let farmers to watch them, was not an idealistic way. But it can solve the problem at the moment. Then Chairman Mao raised this campaign.


As one of China's five ethnic autonomous regions (Guangxi, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia - equivalent to five provinces), Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is in fact the habitation of many Chinese ethnic groups, including the Han and 11 indigenous ethnic minorities among which the Zhuang accounts for majority. Having been being influenced by the outside world, more than more youth generation of the minorities are accepting modern lifestyle and concepts, fortunately, their peculiar ethnic customs are still well passed on in their remote hometown. In this post we would like to discover some traditional wedding customs in Guangxi.


One of the primary reasons I was drawn to Chinawas for its traditional culture.Since I began studying Chinese language and history, I have acquired a great deal of appreciation and interest in this countrys cultivated arts and time-honored ways of life.An aspect Im particularly fond of, as mentioned in my last story, is one of the enduring ancient arts that can still be enjoyed today: tea.


For many western countries, China is the extreme representation of otherness. Starting from this idea, many of our unconscious cultural behaviors can pop up when living or traveling in the country, sometimes irritating or even offending Chinese people without willing to. In order to avoid such embarrassing situations and experience the best moments in China sharing with the locals, here are the 10 most important things to pay attention not to do with respect to Chinese culture, all coming from personal experiences during my one year and a half living in China as a French student, teacher and Website English Editor in Visitourchina.com.
