6. Medical Effects of Tea

It has been being widely accepted in China that tea is a good drink for preserving one's health. Researched found that the catechuic acid, cholestenone, caffeine, inositol, folic acid, pantothenic acid that tea contains can work together to prevent and restrain adiposity, and many examples have proved that drinking tea, gargling or brushing one's teeth with tea, or chewing tea-leaves are effective with problems of saprodontia and bromopnea. Also, clinical experiments discovery that people who drank three bowls of Tuo tea (a bowl-shaped compressed mass of tea leaves) had a decline of 13% in their blood fat, and their cholesterols were decreased, too. The following table is the main medical effects of green tea, black tea, white tea, and scented tea commonly accepted in China as well as some medical research results (for your reference).
Green Tea
1. Anti-aging: the antioxidant green teas contain is conducive to ageing.
2. Antibiosis: Studies shows that the catechin green tea contains can restrain some bacterium that causing deseases without harming the multiplying of beneficial bacterium.
3. Antiatheroscloresis: Some experiments show that the catechin in green tea can restrain platelet aggregation and reduce the incidence of arteriosclerosis; besides, the flavonol in green tea with antioxidation can prevent blood coagulum and reduce the incidence of angiocardiopathy.
4. Slimming: The theophylline and caffeine in great tea can activate protein kinase and triglyceride, which is helpful for decreasing the accumulation of adipocyte.
5. Preventing saprodontia and curing bromopnea: The fluorine green tea contains can restrain the germs that causes saprodontia and reduces the incidence of dental plaque and periodontitis; and the tannin can stop food orts from germ-breeding so that bromopnea can be treated.
6. Skin-whitening & anti- ultraviolet rays: The catechines in green tea can resist the UV-B which can cause skin cancer.
7. Treating dyspepsia: Resent research reports show that green tea works well in improving dyspepsia. For example, drinking some green tea can relieve acute diarrhea caused by bacterium.
8. Preventing cancers: Search on this effect is still in inference, but in China it is widely accepted that green tea is useful for cancer prevention.
Black Tea
Black tea is fermented tea with dark red tea-leaves and tea water, hence the name of "hong cha (红茶, red tea)" in Chinese. The most famous Chinese black teas are Qihong (Anhui Province), Zhenhong (Yunnan Province), Xuanhong (Hubei Province) and Chuanhong (Sichuan).
On May 13th American College of Physicians published an over 10-year-old medical research based on 540 females and 497 males: it turned out that ossature of those who usually drank black tea are more robust. An American magazine reported that black tea work better in myocardial infarction than garlic, broccoli and broccoli do.
An experiment by Osaka City University of Japan got the result that the velocity of blood vessels was well ameliorated one hour after people drank black tea, which is effective at preventing and curing myocardial infarction.
Besides, black tea also works in indigestion, eliminating edema, strengthening myocardium, preventing tooth decay and food poisoning, reducing blood glucose and hypertension, as well as increasing secretion of urine.
White Tea
White tea is a kind of tea without fermentation, kneading and entwisting. It can be classified to be Dabai, Shuixianbai, Shanbai, etc, among which the "White Tip Silver Needle" covered with fine white hair is the best one. White tea is mainly produced in Fuding County and Zhenghe County of Fujian Province. It is believed that the longer white tea is stored, the better medical value it will produce.
1. White tea works well in antioxidation so that skin can be kept from the harm from outside environment.
2. The polyphenol white tea contains can suppress free radical, which is good for expelling toxin in the body.
3. Apart from the connatural nutrition that most teas contain, white tea also possesses some essential active enzymes. Both Chinese and international medical researched proved that drinking white tea chronically is benefit for improving enzymatic activity, facilitating lipodieresis, restraining the secretion of insulin, decomposing the redundant glucose in blood, and keeping the balance ofblood sugar.
4. The amino acids in white tea can keep people from sunstroke.
5. White tea is considered as a good medicine for treating sufferer of measles.
6. The provitamin A white tea contains can transform into vitamin A rapidly, which is helpful for preventing nyctalopia and xerophthalmia.
7. White tea is also effective drink in protecting the hematopoietic function and preventing radiation.
Scented Tea
1. Lavender: relieving headache and insomnia, preventing cold, relaxing anxiety and tenseness.
2. Wild chrysanthemum: protecting liver, improving eyesight, relieving hot cold, dizziness, swelling and pain of eyes.
3. Silktree albizziae flower: soothing nerves, mainly for choking sensation in chest, insomnia, amnesia, neurasthenia, etc.
4. Rosemary: relieving the fatigue of brain, reinforcing memory as well as reducing the incidence of wrinkle and dispelling freckles.
5. Lemon-grass: preventing phlegm from forming and stopping coughing, regulating the flow of vital energy, preventing miscarriage, treating cough and pant, abdominal distension, diarrhea, hypertension, dizziness, etc.
6. Wild honeysuckle Flower: improving immunity, preventing influenza, hepatitis A, B, C.
7. Mentha haplocalyx: prominently effective with oral health and throat.
8. Boat-fruited Sterculia Seed: prominently effective with vocal cords.
9. Indian Trum etflower Seed: prominently effective with acute and chronic bronchitis, sore throat, tonsillitis.
10. Licorice Roots Northwest Origin: relieving a cough and pain, making expectoration easy, clearing heat and detoxicating.
11. Calendula: nourishing liver and stomach, improving eyesight, diminishing inflammation, eliminating the heat inside body.
12. Sweet-scented osmanthus: nourishing kidney, liver and stomach, adjusting internal secretion, expelling toxin.
13. Folium llicis Latifoliae: nourishing stomach.
14. Heart of lotus seed: nourishing spleen andkidney, stopping diarrhea, calming nerves.
15. Bamboo leaves: improving eyesight, nourishing kidney and increasing secretion of urine.
16. Dry lotus: expelling toxin and adjusting internal secretion.
17. Lotus leaves: for slimming.
18. Wild balsam pear: for constipation, stimulating appetite.
19. Saffron: relieving dysmenorrheal, expelling toxin, enriching blood, nourishing spleen.
20. Candelabra aloe: expelling toxin and whitening skin.
21. Roseleaves: useful for eliminating lentigo and wrinkles.
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