Datong Tours
The city of Datong is located in northern Shanxi Province, just a few kilometers away from Beijing, at the hedge of Inner Mongolia to the north and the Hebei Province to the east. Composed of fours districts and seven counties, this is the largest city of its Province. Datong is known as the City of Coal due to its high industrial production of energy providing a great part of China's needs. As a key resources city, Datong's transportation connection is highly developed. But more than just an Industrial city, Datong represents also an important historical city of China. Its location near the border of Inner Mongolia explains its position as one of China's most famous historical cities, enjoying impressive sightseeing. History of Datong One of China Ancient Capitals ...

3 Days Datong Essence Tour
From$159 Free Inquiry

4 Days Datong Memories Tour
From$280 Free Inquiry