Top ten adventure destinations in China

2013-07-25China travel Guide

1. Brahmaputra Great Canyon – Explore the last secret area of human race (Tibet)

Brahmaputra Great Canyon is the highest, deepest and longest canyon in the world. Thus it is considered as the ultimate canyon of the world and the last secret area of human race. To adventure in such an 'extreme' place, you would face many tough difficulties such as high altitude, hard and dangerous geography obstacles and etc. It requires not just perseverance, but the combination of physical, mental strength and wisdom, as well as team work. Sure, sufficient preparation and proper plan will make your adventure much more favorable.    

2. Kanas primeval region – Experience the last never-been-touched area of China (Xinjiang)

Kanas primeval region is the most beautiful secret area of the world. Along with the unmatched Kanas River, Hemu River, unknown river valley depopulated zone, explore the watershed, Qianhu swamp, grand grassland, white birch forest, Tuvas Tribes and etc, you will be greatly aroused with excitement and passion. Travel in these places will make you a master of horse riding. The beautiful sceneries will be your unforgettable memory and seduce you dreaming of coming back here.

3. Ancient City of Loulan – Advance according to the senior footprint

The line of Lop Nor to Ancient City of Loulan seems much more attractive for the stories hiding inside. If we make a time-ordered list of fascinating stories happened there, it will be a long and amazing data, the ancient city, Loulan beauty and etc. What we need to remember and keepsake are not the successful adventures, but the people never returned.

4. Gaoligong Mountain – Nu River adventure – Be close to human cultural park

In southwestern China, complex landforms and different nationalities make this area the paradise for travel enthusiasts. The line of Gaoligong Mountain to Nu River is especially popular. There are many mysterious isolated places here attracting your attention. Explorers’footsteps and photographers’lens gather together, expecting for never appeared miracles.

5. Hike in the Three Gorges – Your last touch of its about-to-sink grace

It is already submerged for the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. But the Yangtze cruise will bring you different experience. I assure you that I would definitely satisfy all your travel needs with luxury ships and beautiful sceneries. You will not want to miss such a great travel place when come to China.

6. Dunhuang and Turpan – Pass through the Silk Road

Starting from Dunhuang, go all the way west to Turpan, you will be amazed at the most legendary part of the Silk Road – Dahaidao Road. Ancient castle, beacon tower, post house, prehistoric human settlements, fossil hill, mirage, wild camel group and numerous geographical landforms, all these classical images will definitely surprise you and made your day. The biggest obstacle for you to go across it is that it is a depopulated zone.

7. Qinling Mountains – The boundary of North and South China’s climate

In history, people built many plank roads along the abrupt Qingling Mountains, because they need to connect the north and the south China. With thick forest and high and steep hills, as well as complete and well protected ecological environment, the significance of exploring this area lies on cutting through China’s biggest natural conservation area and witnessing the wild taking and lonely wolf...

8. The Ancient Tea Horse Road Adventure – Silk Road in Tibet and Yunan

The Ancient Tea Horse Road was built to connect Tibet and Yunan in history, and once played a rather important role in these two area’s political and economic development. But so many years of brutality destroyed it and left only numerous ruins and historic sites. Where exactly is Ancient Tea Horse Road? And what we can discover inside? Come and start to explore! Places like Lijiang and Shangri-la will not let you down.

9. The source of Yellow River and Yangtze River – China people’s mother river

These two great rivers are both originate from Bayan Har Mountains of Qinhai-Tibet Plateau. A large area of seracs spread around, in which lie hundreds of little lakes. The weather there is extremely bad, thus you’d better choose it as an adventure destination, rather than a leisure vacation. 

10. Exploration in Lugu Lake (Kingdoms of Girls) – Searching for amazing customs and culture

If you get know that a place still keeps matriarchal society, will you feel amazing and unbelievable? My first reaction is : what a miracle in this weird world! And then I want to be there. This place is called Lugu Lake, and another beautiful name Kingdoms of Girls. Because of its rugged roads and unique customs, traveling here is always similar to adventure.

- Xavier (VisitOurChina)
