Articles prohibited from being brought in, or taken out of China

There are certain items which people entering or leaving China are not allowed to bring with them. Most of these items common sense would tell you are not allowed, but some might be items which visitors might not think of. It is better to be safe than sorry. If you have any questions as to what you are not allowed to bring into China, please feel free to contact us, or call your local Chinese embassy.

Articles prohibited from being brought into China

  • Arms, ammunition, toy or imitation arms, and explosives are not allowed to be brought into China
  • Counterfeit currencies and negotiable securities are forbidden.
  • Printed matter, films, photographs, gramophone records, cinematographic films, filled recording tapes video tapes, compact discs, storage media, and other articles which are considered detrimental to the political, economic, cultural and moral interests of China are not to be brought into China
  • Poison of any kind.
  • Opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana, and all other addictive drugs and psychotropic substances may not be brought into China
  • Fruits, vegetables, live animals (excluding pet dogs and cats), animal products pathogenic micro-organisms of animals and plants, pests and other harmful organisms, animal carcasses, soil, genetically modified organisms, relevant animals and plants, their products, and other objects subject to quarantine from countries or regions with prevalent epidemic animal or plant diseases may not be brought into the country.
  • Any medicine, foodstuff, or other articles coming from epicemic stricken areas or that are harmful to humans and livestock, or those which might spread disease are not allowed into China.
  • Knives and other similar dangerous cutting weapons.
  • Radio transmitters, receivers, and their main parts are not allowed to be brought into China
  • Other articles prohibited from import as stipulated by the state may not be taken into China

Articles prohibited from being taken out of China

  • Arms, ammunition, toy or imitation arms, and explosives are not allowed to be taken out of China
  • Radio transmitters, receivers, and their main parts cannot be taken out of China
  • Printed matter, films, photographs, gramophone records, cinematographic films, filled recording tapes video tapes, compact discs, storage media, and other articles which are considered detrimental to the political, economic, cultural and moral interests of China cannot be taken out of China
  • Precious cultural relics and books concerning the Chinese revolution, history, culture, and the arts are prohibited from being brought out of China
  • Precious and endangered animals, plants, and their seeds cannot be taken out of China

Quick Questions

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Room 5-10, Guilin International Conference and Exhibition Shopping Park Business Building, 26 Lijiang Road,
s Guilin, Guangxi541004, China