Gansu to Invest CNY500 Million in Tourism

created: 2010-07-12

Gansu province is going to invest CNY500 million to improve its tourism infrastructure and develop three national tourist routes from 2011.

According to "Opinions on Speeding up the Development of the Tourism Industry in Gansu Province", the province will arrange a CNY100 million tourism development fund each year from 2011 to support tourism infrastructure construction, tourism promotion and publicity, and the development of key tourism products.

Gansu has initiated the "321 brand-drive strategy" in tourism industry. Here 3 refers to three state-level tourist routes: the Silk Road, Yellow River Culture, and Greater Shangri-La; 2 refers to two growth routes: the Gannan-Longnan-Dingxi-Baiyin-Qingying red tourism route and the Tianshui-Longnan Ancient Three Kingdoms ruins; 1 refers to a one-hour leisure travel circle with Lanzhou as its center..

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