Company Annual Meeting Party Before 2010 New Year

2010-01-25Working at VisitOurChina

We held our annual meeting party from January 22nd to January 23rd, 2010 in Ziyuan County of Guilin. It was cold and rainy but we had a good time still.

In China, climbing high mountains around the New Year period is a tradition and the climbers usually climb the mountain with good wishes for the coming new year. To welcome the 2010 tiger year (in lunar calendar), we climbed the Bajiaozhai Mountain of Ziyuan County. (Plus: Bajiaozhai Mountain is also called Yuntai Mountain with an altitude of 818 meters. Bajiao in Chinese means eight squares and there are indeed eight squares in the mountain. Danxia Landform distributed widely in the area and more than 30 landscapes were then formed, such as Xianglong Yan, Longtou Xiang, Longji Tianti and Yougu Zhandao.)

Bajiaozhai Mountain Climbing-an exercise of body and mind
It was also the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month the first day and we began our trip from Guilin to Ziyuan County from 9:30. Through the introduction of the host, we knew that Ziyuan is a concentrated area of Yao and Miao Minorities and an old revolutionary area as well. We introduced ourselves on the bus to let us know each other well. We arrived in Ziyuan after about two hours and had dinner in Donghe Hotel. After lunch, we drove about half and an hour to the Bajiaozhai Mountain. It was the first time that I saw the mountain different from that in Guilin city and it was also the first time that I climbed mountains in rainy day. It's a little colder in Ziyuan than in the city area of Guilin and we had to carry an umbrella with us. What’s more, it was quite steep in some sections of the path. However, when seeing the beautiful sceneries during the climbing, we felt quite pleased and surprised. The special landform forms many spectacular landscapes, some in the shape of animals and some in the shape of different kinds of falling falls. In addition, it was quite a good exercise in winter, which did not only exercise our body but mind.

We spent about one hour and a half in the mountain area and drove to the hotel we would stay-Shengyuan Hotel from about 16:40 and checked in.
Annual Meeting Party-the biggest highlight
The biggest highlight of our tour to Ziyuan County is undoubtly the annul meeting party at night, which began at 19:00. It was manly made up of by four sections: introduction of the guests, Lucky draw (money as the prize), games and performances. We really had a great fun together with our colleagues. Laughs never stopped during the performance. The party lasted for two hours and half and we went to the KTV of the hotel and spent more than two hours singing.

Baoding Waterfall-the icy world in winter
After a short breakfast in the morning of the next day, we went to the Baoding Waterfall scenic spot through about 30 minutes of trip along the hilly road. During the road, we saw the beautiful ice scenery which can be seldom seen in Guilin city. There are many pine trees along the road covered with ices, white and green mixed together, composing a beautiful picture. Some of the pine trees blend to the road, seeming like a door of the icy palace. Therefore, the ice scenery became the main attraction we enjoyed during the visit to the Baoding Waterfall scenic spot. The ice hangs in different plants and comprised various charming landscapes, amazing! The Baoding Waterfall and terraced fields around it were also attracting and we wanted to visit it again next time.

After one and a half hours, we droved to a peasant restaurant and had delicious lunch there. Finally, we took a family picture together, giving our trip a perfect ending.  

Plus: Ziyuan County is located in the northeast of Guangxi Province, 98 kilometers to Guilin city. It covers an area of 1961 square kilometers and possesses subtropical humid monsoon climate with an annual average temperature of 16.4 degree centigrade. As much as 13 nationalities live in Ziyuan County, including Han, Miao, Yao Ethic Group, etc. The Langtian Yao Village and Qiyueban Song Festival along the river have fully displayed the rich and varied local custom of North Guilin.
The mountains and rivers of Ziyuan County with unique features are the best regions that have the most and best-preserved attractions in Great Guilin Tourism Circle. Ziyuan County is famous for its grand and wonderful Danxia Landform, romantic and adventurous river rafting and well-preserved ecology (forest coverage rate: 78%). Up to now, attractions composed of Zijiang River, Bajiaozhai Mountain, Tianmenshan Mountain, Wupaihe River and Baoding Waterfall have been explored. The scenic spots that are being explored include Fumanyuan Spring Resort, Laoshanjie March Route, Snowscape of Ziyuan, Jiaoguchong Waterfall Groups, Xiaojin Neolithic culture Relics, Shilipingtan Alpine Meadows, Yinzhu Mountain Natural Reserve, Huaguoshan Park, etc. the tourism resources in Ziyuan County are praised as national gardens with high quality.

--- By Haphine(VisitOurChina)




We did have a great time! I wish everyone has a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010 Tiger Year![F]Haha[/F]


It's the first time that I joined the party, that's wonderful! I think I will never forget them: the smiling faces and beautful sights.


I can still remember the details when seeing photos about the party. Interesting,haha.


Excuse me, what does "eighth day of the twelfth lunar month" mean? A special day, ha?


During the trip we got to know each other better, harmonious company[F]Smile[/F]


Amazing post, truly!
