Charlie's China Tour—Arrive Hong Kong

2018-03-26China travel Guide

We now have been in flight for about 14 hours. The interior lights have once again been turned on and we are about to be served breakfast, 5 PM, China time.  

I believe I slept a little on the flight. I also watched a couple of movies. The plane landed in Hong Kong at 6 PM. Jay and I are both tired yet energized. After going through passport control, security checks, and customs, we retrieved our luggage, found the Vigor desk to get our bus transfer to our hotel. On what seemed like a bus ride that wouldn't end we arrived at our hotel at 8:45 PM. That would be 7:45 AM, Minnesota time. 

A very nice hotel with a very small room for us. Very adequate. I hope to be asleep by 10 PM. The ride from the airport to our hotel was an interesting and eye-opening one. Tall, well lit apartment buildings. TALL!! I texted Valerie. It's time for bed. Hopefully sleep will soon follow. It's good to be in Hong Kong once again. 

I was previously here in 1996.  Here's some photo 10 years ago.

Jay giving chopsticks lessons 10 years ago

Jay giving chopsticks lessons

Myself with longtime friends from Beijing, Lucy and Sabrina. I've been friends with Ally, Helen, Lucy, and Sabrina since 1996 when I first met them. I didn't see them on this adventure as we didn't visit Beijing

Myself with longtime friends from Beijing, Lucy and Sabrina. I've been friends with Ally, Helen, Lucy, and Sabrina since 1996 when I first met them.  I didn't see them on this adventure as we didn't visit Beijing.

To be continue...

--by Charlie Kath (customer of Visit Our China)

Tags: Hong Kong
