Internship at VisitOurChina

2009-08-25Working at VisitOurChina

 Hi, I am Jane. I am an English major student from Guangxi Normal University. I will be a senior this fall. Now, it is summer holiday. So from August 3 to August 21, 2009, I took the opportunity to take my short internship at VisitOurChina.

VisitOurChina is the English website name of Guilin Tianyuan International Travel Service. And the company has different departments managing different cases, such as General Manager, Executive Offices, Operation Departments, Transportation department, Financial Department, etc. Within the Operation Departments there are Japanese Division, Chinese Domestic Travel Division, German Division, English Division and Russian Division.
I am a new-comer, everything to me is strange. But I am full of confidence that I have the ability to stay here. There goes an old saying, 'Skill and confidence is an unconquered army.'  All the staff here is easy-going, kind-hearted, hospitable, and beautiful, and the most important, they all with high comprehensive quality and ability. When you have faith in others, you will get the trust. It turned to be true that the staffs are knowledgeable, specialized, and the most important thing was that I saw their spirit and enthusiasm, everyone is hard-working. I can see that they love their work. The working environment is spacious and bright. The atmosphere is harmonious and relaxing. You have enough space to indulge your imagination. Everyone needs a suitable environment to make fullest use of their ability, while working under restriction will be an obstacle to ones work.
It was just on the first day that I was surprised. After being seated, I heard fluent spoken Japanese and English. This astounded me. I had the chance to listen to Chinese who can speak foreign language fluently. As a college student with the keenness to foreign language, I adored them with respect. Later I found that the colleagues in other Divisions are of the same ability, and the people in other divisions have their own specialized ability. This made me feel inferior. I feel the importance of being specialized. They are experienced with years of hard working in this field. And that is the talent. That is talent that the society needs. I know English, but that is not enough, it is only a tool, if I want to find an excellent place in the society I should master other techniques and strive to learn what I can learn. I swear, from this time on, I will make a good plan and strive to master Japanese and continue to strengthen my oral English.
I am full of gratitude to everybody here. They gave me the most help with my future career. Experience is the mother of wisdom.
My work was about E-commerce. I learned how to make reply in a forum and to exchange links with others as well as other skills. Problem comes from working, while working you could come across many problems, and that’s also the source of experience. In order to make the other site linking to our websites, and make it known to all over the world, we exchange links by using the content we reply in the forum of some famous websites. In the forum the destination and travelogue are where I need to make reply in. I guess that travel agencies or the travel related institutions are finding their chances here. And in order to exchange links with others, the first thing I need to do was to search good quality website, and then write letters to ask for exchange. Of course, sometimes we receive some letters asking us for exchange. From this, I learned to write business letters in reality for the first time.
I learned these from Andy, an Alumnus much more senior to me. I am very thankful. It is fortunately that I had learned some computer techniques by myself before, so it is easy for me to understand how to deal with them. It proves that read more and you will get more benefit. This is also the chance to practice my English writing, and reading, the ability to find and sort out materials effectively. I know more about Guilin, my hometown, as well as other cities, and how does the travel agency operate.
At the beginning, I dared not communicate with others, because I was afraid of disturbing them. But later, I find that things didn't appear as what I thought. We are all social man, communication shortens our distance, and it is through communication that makes things easy. On August 17, there came a new member. He just graduated from college, and belongs to the Japanese division. It seems that he is good at dealing with interpersonal relationship. When he came, he communicated with the members in Japanese division actively, asking for contact information or else. It seems good. I said to myself, next time I will do as what he did, to open my mouth, to take the initiative with sincerity, enthusiasm, and confidence.
Effective interpersonal communication skills are essential to social interaction, and to the building and maintenance of all relationships. Poor communication skills can cause irrevocable damage to relationships; affecting productivity, satisfaction, performance, morale, trust, respect, self confidence, and even physical health. We should learn to communicate effectively with respect and regard for others.
Now, I know how to do business with the people far away in the world. There is a standardization of judging the importance of a page by Google.
I know how to improve one's own page, to write the business letter to make transactions with internet. I experienced, for the first time, the feeling of success of doing business by email, even though it is just the small deals.
I know how to deal the interpersonal relationship with others. When you are in a company, you should know you are a representative of the company, you should take care to do the things with wisdom. And you should get on well with the members here. You are working for the same goal, to create glory and make the company better and better.
It always took me a long time to adapt to a new environment, but it went smoothly here. This reminds me of Steven jobs, the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. Once said in theStanford Commencement address. “…Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And "the only way to do great work is to love what you do..." I love the work here. It is true for everybody to love what you do. If time permitted, I would continue.
I get to know that as a college student, you should go out of school gate, explore the society, and contact society. How time flies, three weeks past, the work at Visit Our China is a meaningful and valuable one. It is a great improvement to work at Visit Our China. I made improvement in my thoughts, absorbed new thoughts and knowledge. Time is short, but I realized much which is good for my whole life. It broadened my view, deepened my relation with the people from all classes, and shortened my distance with society. It makes clear the road to be successful.
--- By Jane (VisitOurChina)
