The first vegetarian restaurant in Guilin
2013-11-01China Food
Nowadays, as Guilin people’s living standard rising considerably, they do not favor the traditional greasy food but the bland diet. It is truly much healthier than old habit and healthy diet and weight reduction are gradually changing modern people’s life.
In Guilin, in the past, people seldom knew about vegetarian diet which was only kept by the monks of those temples. Some citizens did choose several days of the year keeping vegetarian diet, but it was just a ceremony to show their respect or belief. So, when people need blank diet, their various needs cannot be satisfied.
Thus some people try to develop this market which has great potential. I have been to a vegetarian diet restaurant. Buffet dinner, the food and drinks are classified into many kinds. The taste is incredibly good and it is very cheap, RMB 35 for one person. If we eat vegetarian food once a week, it will be greatly beneficial for our health. I already know the effect.
Tianfulou Vegetarian Restaurant is located in the No. 1 building, Mulong Lake Scenic Spot, North Zhongshan Road.

You can watch the famous Diecai Shan scenic spot from the restaurant.

Many kinds of vegetarian food for you

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