Water Curtain Cave

Water Curtain Cave,Wuyi Mountain Tours,Wuyishan Tours,Fujian Tours,China Tours

The Water Curtain Cave is one of the 72 caves of the scenic Wuyi Mountain which is located in Fujian Province. Around the area is full of waterfalls and smaller caves, the highlight though is the Water Curtain Cave in which water hangs like a curtain over an inverse hanging cave, hidden beneath the curtain of hanging water lays a labyrinth of hidden crags on smaller caves that visitors can explore, inside the cool and dank caves one can escape the beating sun, the entrance into the cave system is known as the "Curtain Cave".

There are several sights to explore around the Water Curtain Cave: the Swallow Peak, Danxia Peak, Flame Peak, Fragrant Valley, Olecranon Rock, etc. There is an abundance of natural landscapes and unique rock formations as well as a plethora of natural flora and fauna. There is also a hanging ladder into the sace that allows travelers to climb down into the depths of the cave.

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