Large passenger load for Quanzhou-Jinmen ship route

created: 2009-08-07

The Quanzhou-Jinmen ship route has seen a more than 180,000 passenger throughput three years after it opened, according to Chen Rongzhou, vice mayor of Quanzhou.

The first half of 2009 experienced a passenger capacity of 43,000, up by 35.57% over the same period last year.

And the three communication channels Quanzhou has with Taiwan—Quanzhou-Jinmen direct passenger flights, cargo flights and small trade flights—have all shown a positive development trend.

The number of small trade flights importing installation kits, raw and auxiliary materials, etc. exceeded 436, amounting to more than 8,920 tons of goods and a value of $7.6 million.

Direct cargo flights have transported more than 1.71 million tons of goods to Jinmen, the first among all cities in Mainland China.

Known as the "Golden Waterway", the Quanzhou-Jinmen route from Minnan to Jinmen has a stable voyage environment and takes 60 minutes each way.

(China Daily August 7, 2009)

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