Historic street reopens after revamp

created: 2009-05-04

Cooling, a street on the world-heritage-listed Mount Lushan in eastern China's Jiangxi Province, re-opened to tourists over the May Day holiday after a restoration project.

At an altitude of 1,164 meters, the street, which got its English name for its cool climate, has won fame for its eclectic architecture.

"The project aimed to restore the street to the way it looked in the 1920s," said Fan Yunjiang, head of commerce management with the Lushan administration. The project cost 10 million yuan (US$1.47 million).

From 1895, when a British missionary bought land at Cooling, until the 1920s, villas were built there in Russian, British, American, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Swedish styles, among others.

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