Green Lake Park

Chinese name: 昆明翠湖公园(Kunming Cuihu Gongyuan)
Area: 21 hectares
Location: No.67 Cuihu South Road, Wuhua District, Kunming, China
Opening time: 7:00-22:00
How to get there:
- Subway: Line 2 (Chuanxin Gulou Station), then about 1 kilometer’s walk to the west to the entrance
- Bus: 1, 85, 100, 101, 125, 133, or 139 to Yunnan University Station for the park's North Gate.
         4, 5, 26, 69, 83 or 96 to Parkway Mall, then walk to the Green Lake.

Best time for visit: Green Lake Park is suitable to visit all year round, but you should come in winter if you would like to watch the red-beaked seagulls. 
Recommended time for a visit: 2-3 hours
Must-see attractions: Mid-Lake Islet, Bamboo Forest Islet

Introduction to Green Lake Park

Green Lake Park, or Cui Hu Park is an urban park in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. It’s one of the most beautiful parks in Kunming city, and it’s a must-see spot for most visitors. The most famous building on the lake is Jiang Wu Tang, a tourist attraction.

The park consists of a group of 4 small sub-lakes linked by bridges in the traditional style. The lake was originally a water reservoir for the city. 

Brightly painted pavilions on the islands inside the park, tree-lined walks, flowers, and the local populace enjoying themselves by exercising in various specialist groups all add to the appeal of the park.

Green Lake is ringed by a street, and along the edge of that are restaurants and tea houses, shops, and hotels, including the upscale Green Lake Hotel and Grand Park Hotel.

Green Lake Park-“a 
Jade Gem in Kunming”
Green Lake Park was established in the 17th century on the west side of the Wuhua Mountain and is sometimes described as a "Jade in Kunming". Two long banks divide Green Lake into four parts. The banks are covered with an abundance of willow trees and dotted with a variety of vibrant lotuses. This contrast between the pale green of the willows and the array of colors in the lotuses makes the park a popular destination for nature lovers. One can almost feel the freshness from the air. The serenity and beauty make it an excellent place for a picnic, a morning stroll, or a simple a time to sit and reflect. 

Kunming Green Lake Park

Cuihu Park is Kunming's most magical place. Located in one of the busiest parts of the city, it does just what an urban park should do: offer a break from crowded streets and honking cars, and give people a place to meet and talk, sing, dance, drink tea or just watch the ducks swim by.

Highlights of Green Lake Park

Green Lake Park features clear water, verdant willows, and tropical forests. It looks like a glistening emerald in Kunming City. The park consists of about four small sub-lakes and four islands that are connected with elaborately decorated bridges. These are Mid-Lake Islet, Goldfish Islet, Bamboo Forest Islet, and Palm Islet. Each islet has its own unique delights on offer.

Mid-Lake Islet(湖心岛)
This islet is comprised of the Lotus Temple, Fish-Viewing Pavilion, and Mid-Lake Pavilion. There you can admire and feed the resident koi carp, or join the local people's recreational activities, like singing, dancing, practicing tai chi, playing traditional instruments, and rehearsing plays.

Goldfish Islet(金鱼岛)
It is called Goldfish Islet, but there are no longer any fish there. It is very nice to take a stroll around the islet, which is covered with lush cedars and camphor trees. Colorful plants and abundant shade provided by the larger trees make walking around the islet a very pleasant experience.

Bamboo Forest Islet(竹林岛)
Situated to the northeast, the Bamboo Forest Islet boasts about 40 categories of bamboos including the rare Chimonobambusa. Apart from the sea of bamboos, you can also see folk artisans gathering there to put on plays, sing, and dance.

Near the Bamboo Forest Islet, you will find the Nine-Dragon Pond. It is actually a spring and the water trickles from nine holes, which the locals believe are home to nine dragons.

Palm Islet(棕榈岛)
Palm Islet is located in the southwest of the park. There you can find a variety of subtropical plants. This sudden burst of color in the middle of the city provides locals with a welcome slice of nature and is also a perfect place to have a picnic.

Watch Seagulls in Winter
During the winter months, the Kunming daytime is still warm and sunny. Since 1985, Green Lake attracts red-pecked seagulls from Siberia who migrate there to escape the arctic chill. They entertain the crowds of visitors as they swoop and dive across the lake. You can buy bread to feed the seagulls. This charming scene, in which man, birds, and nature mingle in such harmony has added to the allure of Green Lake.

The Best Time for a Visit

It is suitable to visit Green Lake Park all year round. Winter is the best seasonif you would like to see red-beaked seagulls. If you want to experience typical Kunming life you need to go there in the morning when elderly people are exercising and playing music. In the evening, you can take a stroll around the lake and spend some time in a nice teahouse or café to experience the slow pace of the city.

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