Jiayuguan Cuisine
Travelers may find most of Chinese dishes and snacks are available in Jiayuguan City, ranging from Sichuan Spicy Bean Curd, Lanzhou Beef Noodles to Xinjiang Shish Kebab. However, to find authentic local foods is not tough, because there are so many restaurants each with its signature dishes. Popular local dishes are Flour-steamed Beef and Mutton, Twisted Fish-shaped Noodles, Silk Road Camel Palm, Rainbow Trout. Local snacks can also make up a long list, such as Fish Noodle, Pulled Noodles, Wonton (Dumpling Soup), etc.
Flour-Steamed Beef and Mutton (粉蒸牛羊肉)
This dish has a history of over 1000 years. Fresh beef and mutton slices are first mixed with flour and then salted with 13 ingredients such as Sichuan chili peppers and fennels, steamed under big fire and slow fire sequentially. It is best savored with raw garlic.
Rainbow Trout (虹鳟鱼)
No matter how it is cooked and served, rainbow trout of Jiayuguan never fails to better your life. Because its meat is rich in proteins and vitamins, it can slow down your blood pressure, brighten your eyes, and improve your skin and brain. With so many virtues, it is often called “ginseng in water”. A series of products has been developed out of its head, body, egg and skin, such as fish slices, fish ball, and fish dumplings.
Twisted Fish-like Noodles (搓鱼面)
Twisted Fish-like Noodles is a specialty of Gansu Province. The noodle looks like a fish with both ends slim and the middle thick. The preparation method involves twisting them with hands, and steaming or boiling them in a wok. It is the favorite of locals.
Silk Road Camel Palm (丝路驼掌)
Camel palm meat is rich in nutrition because it is loaded with tendons. It is not easy to have the chance to eat one because camel has a long life span and seldom be killed. It is as rare as bear’s paw. First Brined in water and stewed for one hour, and then stir-fried with prepared cucumber, rod chili, and usually condiments, this dish is crispy and tasty.