Xilamuren Grassland

Xilamuren Grassland is located south-east of Baotou and is nationally renowned as a summer-retreat, the grassland rolls next to the Zhao River, one of Inner-Mongolia's most beautiful Rivers. On the boundless Xilamuren Grassland also runs the Xilamuren River, dotting this natural green carpet like a silver belt.

The Puhui Temple constructed in 1769 is right situated by the river, originally built as the summer retreat of one of the Living Buddhas of Hohhot. Carved beams and painted rafters inside the temple make it a mini museum of old Chinese architecture.

There are lots of activities for tourists to enjoy in and around the grassland, including a chance to role-play as a Mongolian Warrior, dressing up in full mock, folk singing and dancing as well as enjoying a traditional with fresh lamb and local liquor, and really feeling immersed in the unique and colorful Mongolian culture.

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