Hezhou Weather

Hezhou City is a typical southern subtropical monsoon climate. It features moderate climate, sufficient sunlight and abundant rainfall without severe winters and hot summers. It has 328 frost free days and the annual average temperature is 19.9℃ with the extreme maximum temperature 38.9℃ and the extreme minimum temperature -4℃. The annual average sunshine hours is 1586.6 hours; annual average relative humidity is 78%; annual average evaporation capacity is 1621.8mm; and the annual average volume of rainfall is 1535.6mm with average annual 171 rain days. The perennial dominate wind is northwesterly and in summer the wind is easterly.

Hezhou is suitable to travel all the year around especially in spring and summer for preferable natural sceneries. It rains a lot in Hezhou and it is necessary to prepare some moisture proof clothes. Spring is the rainy season but the scenery is rather beautiful after the rain. Summer is a little bit hot and autumn is also another favorable season for traveling with a quite agreeable climate.