I Love Guilin Mifan!

2009-05-12China Food

If you come to Guilin, you should not miss one thing: to taste Guilin Mifan –Guilin Rice Noodle. It is mostly served in those small places which remind me of garages, and which do not look very clean for western standards.
The price is very low, usually it costs 2,50RMB. Then you get a metal bowl with typical rice noodle. They have the same appearance as Spaghetti, but are brighter. The cook will ask you for the style you want to have it: with Jiurou (Beef), Zhurou (Pig) or sometimes even horsemeat (Marou). You will get some thin slices of this meat on top of your noodles. Then two different sauces and fried peanuts are added. When you receive the noodles, you can add chili, green beans, beet and chives.

Finally you mix it up with each other and then just enjoy the pure taste of this typical Guilin style dish! Guilin people put some hot water in it when they nearly finished the meal and make a soup pout of it. But you don’t have to do so, I don’t do it either. But I simply Love it!




Rice noodle is very worthy to taste once you are in Guilin, highly recommend![F]Haha[/F]
