Hanyang Mausoleum Museum Photos

  • Hanyangling Mausoleum is the sleeping site for Emperor Hanjingdi of Western Han Dynasty (206BC-24AD) and his queen.
  • The stone tablet in front of the mausoleum, Xi'an
  • The life utensils of Han Dynasty exhibited in Hanyang Mausoleum Museum, Xi'an
  • The pottery figures and articles in the pit of the museum, Xi'an
  • The unearthed pottery animals, Xi'an
  • The unearthed pottery in the pit of Hanyang Mausoleum
  • The unearthed pottery in Hanyang Mausoleum, Xi'an
  • The unearthed pottery exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery figures exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery figures exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery figures exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery pit in Hanyang Mausoleum, Xi'an
  • The stone compass in Hanyang Mausoleum, Xi'an
  • Hanyangling Mausoleum is the sleeping site for Emperor Hanjingdi of Western Han Dynasty (206BC-24AD) and his queen.
  • The stone tablet in front of the mausoleum, Xi'an
  • The life utensils of Han Dynasty exhibited in Hanyang Mausoleum Museum, Xi'an
  • The pottery figures and articles in the pit of the museum, Xi'an
  • The unearthed pottery animals, Xi'an
  • The unearthed pottery in the pit of Hanyang Mausoleum
  • The unearthed pottery in Hanyang Mausoleum, Xi'an
  • The unearthed pottery exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery figures exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery figures exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery figures exhibited in the museum
  • The pottery pit in Hanyang Mausoleum, Xi'an
  • The stone compass in Hanyang Mausoleum, Xi'an