Hulishan Canon Platform Photos

  • Hulishan Canon Platform was built in Qing Dynasty.
  • The huge heavy artillery piece produced by the German conglomerate Krupp in 19th century.
  • It was the biggest coastal gun in China.
  • A conon on the platform
  • A scene in Hulishan Canon Platform attraction
  • The arranged canons
  • A sculpture in the attraction
  • The stone inscription
  • A scene of Hulishan Canon Platform
  • Hulishan Canon Platform was built in Qing Dynasty.
  • The huge heavy artillery piece produced by the German conglomerate Krupp in 19th century.
  • It was the biggest coastal gun in China.
  • A conon on the platform
  • A scene in Hulishan Canon Platform attraction
  • The arranged canons
  • A sculpture in the attraction
  • The stone inscription
  • A scene of Hulishan Canon Platform