Mei Garden Photos

  • Mei Garden is a private garden combining natural landscapes, historic relics, rare plants and flowers, garden architecture and recreation facilities.
  • The beautiful scenery in Mei Garden of Wuxi
  • The elegant garden arichitecture
  • Visitors emjoy the beautiful plum flowers in the garden
  • The blossoming plum flowers
  • The stone carving in Mei Garden
  • An elegant gateway
  • The beautiful scenery in the garden
  • The stone tablet
  • Mei Garden is a private garden combining natural landscapes, historic relics, rare plants and flowers, garden architecture and recreation facilities.
  • The beautiful scenery in Mei Garden of Wuxi
  • The elegant garden arichitecture
  • Visitors emjoy the beautiful plum flowers in the garden
  • The blossoming plum flowers
  • The stone carving in Mei Garden
  • An elegant gateway
  • The beautiful scenery in the garden
  • The stone tablet