Shanghai Museum Photos

  • The exterior appearance of Shanghai Museum.
  • The pottery exhibited in Shanghai Museum
  • The ancient jade seal in Shanghai Museum.
  • A part of the famous Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival of Song Dynasty in Shanghai Museum.
  • The exquisite ancient jade carving in Shanghai Musuem.
  • The delicate procelain in Shanghai Musuem.
  • The exhibition hall for displaying ethnic costumes, Shanghai Museum
  • The painted procelain pot, Shanghai Museum
  • The ancient bronze vessel, Shanghai Museum
  • The anicnet Buddha sculptute, Shanghai Museum
  • A tea set in Shanghai Museum
  • An anicnet bronze cooking vessel of Shang Dynasty, Shanghai Museum
  • An ancient sword in Shanghai Museum
  • The ancient bank note of Qing Dynasty, Shanghai Museum
  • A mini household decoration model in Shanghai Museum.
  • The exterior appearance of Shanghai Museum.
  • The pottery exhibited in Shanghai Museum
  • The ancient jade seal in Shanghai Museum.
  • A part of the famous Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival of Song Dynasty in Shanghai Museum.
  • The exquisite ancient jade carving in Shanghai Musuem.
  • The delicate procelain in Shanghai Musuem.
  • The exhibition hall for displaying ethnic costumes, Shanghai Museum
  • The painted procelain pot, Shanghai Museum
  • The ancient bronze vessel, Shanghai Museum
  • The anicnet Buddha sculptute, Shanghai Museum
  • A tea set in Shanghai Museum
  • An anicnet bronze cooking vessel of Shang Dynasty, Shanghai Museum
  • An ancient sword in Shanghai Museum
  • The ancient bank note of Qing Dynasty, Shanghai Museum
  • A mini household decoration model in Shanghai Museum.