Chongqing To Build Five CNY10 Billion Tourism Projects

created: 2010-03-22

News from the marketing department of Chongqing Municipal Tourism Administration is that, starting in 2010, the city will build five key tourism projects with investment of CNY10 billion each.

The five projects are: Changshou Lake Tourist Scenic Area, Longshui Lake Tourist Scenic Area, Hechuan Fishing Town, Nan'an Guangyang Island, and the Three Gorges. All these projects will receive funding from Chongqing Transport Tourism Corporation and other enterprises.

For the Three Gorges, Chongqing will increase the investment in the improvement of hardware facilities and enhance the tourist routes to improve the quality of the Three Gorges tour.

According to Wang Aizu, the director of Chongqing Tourism Administration, there were over 100 million visits to Chongqing from China and other parts of the world in 2009, and the total tourism revenue has reached CNY70 billion. The five projects will offer tourists greater choice in dining, lodging, sightseeing, shopping, and entertainment.

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