Guizhou Opens Tourist Service Hotline

created: 2009-11-20

Guizhou province has opened a tourist service hotline that can be accessed from both fixed phones and mobile phones.

The 24-hour hotline, +86 (0) 13201, provides public information concerning Guizhou's tourist destinations, scenic spots, travel agencies, restaurants, hotels, tourism commodities, entertainment, and tourism policies and regulations. In addition, it can help tourists with travel tips, and complaint and emergency handling. It will further expand its services by offering foreign language services to meet the demands of international guest source markets.

On the same day the hotline was opened, Guizhou Provincial Tourism Bureau signed strategic cooperation agreements with Guizhou Mobile, Guizhou Telecom, and Guizhou Unicom to enhance the application of information technology to the tourism industry.

According to the director of the bureau, the three telecommunication operators will support Guizhou in programming and construction of tourism information technology. Caller ring back tones will be developed based upon various characteristics of different areas and different scenic spots.

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