Three Gorges Regional Tourism Declaration Issued

created: 2009-11-13

At the rotating presidency conference on Hubei and Chongqing Three Gorges regional tourism cooperation held in Chongqing, the governments of the two regions issued the Three Gorges Regional Tourism Cooperation Declaration.

According to the Declaration, the two regions will together work out a general plan for the Yangtze River Three Gorges Scenic Spot, seek large corporations to conduct integration of tourism resources and create the tourism brand of Three Gorges. They will also work together improve their key travel transportation and other facilities covering inter-provincial and inter-city highways, main railway lines, regional airports and travel terminals.

Joint promotion details have also been determined between the parties. From 2010 Hubei and Chongqing will hold the China Yangtze River Three Gorges International Tourism Festival spearheaded by China's National Tourism Administration. Promotional materials including video, a directory for Three Gorges cruises, and a tour commentary for the Gorges. In addition, the two regions will launch a joint marketing campaign including media publicity, participating in exhibitions, and Internet marketing.

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