Beijing, Shanghai, Fuzhou hold art exhibitions

created: 2009-06-26

Oil paintings are on display at a Russian style architecture in Shanghai. Over fifty works are by artists from the distinguished Repin Arts Academy. Some were painted by the master Milnikov. The works of young artists are also represented.

The exhibit shows the different themes and techniques of Russian painters over the decades. The exhibition runs til the end of the year.

A scuplture of Bulgarian poet and revolutionary Botev has been unveiled in Kafil, the hero's hometown. It's the work of Chinese artist Yuan Xikun.

Another Yuan work, of the Polish musician and politician Ignacy Jan Paderewski, has also been unveiled in Paderewski's hometown Talnov. Yuan has created fifty sculptures of noted figures.

A lacquer painting exhibition is being held in southeastern Fuzhou. Local artist Tang Zhiyi has created nearly a hundred works. Tang employs some techniques of oil paintings and ink paintings. So his lacquer art bears the delicate strokes of ink and the rich hues of oil. Fuzhou is the center of Chinese lacquer art.

A charity exhibition is being held in Beijing's Capital Museum. Artists are donating their works to raise money for the quake zone. The works will be auctioned off and the proceeds will go to rebuilding the areas hit by last year's Wenchuan earthquake.

Disabled artist Tang Zhanzhong is holding a solo exhibition at Beijing's Three Gorges Art Institute. Born without arms, Tang has used his mouth and feet to create works of art for over two decades. He displayed his exceptional skills at the opening of the exhibition.

(Xinhua News)

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