Northwest China promotes five tourism brands

created: 2009-06-18

The five provinces in northwest China — Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xinjiang — have signed a strategic cooperative agreement to promote five distinctive tourism brands.

The five brands are reported to be the Silk Road, Yellow River Culture, the Great Wall, the Long March, and the Qinghai-Tibet railway (a historic trail between Tang-China and Tufan-Tibet).

A unified logo and billboard style will be adopted to promote the five brands and the provinces will work together on the design of the promotion materials. Besides mutual promotion between these provinces, they will also exchange links on their tourism web portals.

Also, a tourism trade fair will be held in one of the five provinces each year from 2010 in turn to build a promotional platform for tourism in northwest China.

(China Hospitality News)


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