Some tourist spots in Tibet's Shannan open for free during May Day holiday

created: 2009-04-28

Some tourist attractions in southeastern Tibet's Shannan Prefecture will open for free during the May Day holiday, according to the Tourism Bureau of the prefecture.

Shannan Prefecture, 3,600 meters above sea level and with a mild climate on the middle reaches of the trunk Yarlung Zangbo River, is considered the cradle of the Tibetans.

To enhance Shannan's popularity and attract more visitors, scenic spots with a profound culture including Tombs of Tibetan Kings (Songtsan Gambo included), Mindrolling Monastery and Samye Monastery will be free of charge to the public from May 1 to May 3.

In addition, two tourists can share one ticket while visiting the Yumbulagang Palace and Trundruk Monastery during the holiday.

Moreover, visitors to the Leibugou Valley in Cona County and the Namseling Manor in Zhanang County do not have to buy tickets all year round.
Meanwhile, tourists can enjoy various kinds of discounts in acccommodation and food in Shannan Prefecture from April 13 to May 3.

"To accelerate the recovery and development of the tourism industry in the prefecture, the government of Shannan has taken a series of measures to encourage those institutes that try to enhance local tourism services," said Tan Jin, deputy director of the prefecture's Tourism Bureau.

Travel agencies in the prefecture have offered travel routes with big discounts, for example, eco-trip, culture trip, trip to pastoral areas and short-distance trip to neighboring foreign countries.

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