Lhasa Attracts More Foreigners to Settle Down
created: 2011-12-20
CNTV, December 19, 2011
With its distinctive culture, unbeatable scenery and the improving services, more and more foreigners are looking to settle and work in the region.
Maria is French, but having lived in Lhasa for 10 years now, she is fluent in both Chinese and The Tibetan language. She runs a travel consultancy.
Maria says business has been stimulated by greatly improved traffic conditions. More than 30 tour routes have become available since the opening of The Xingjiang-Tibet highway, Yunnan-Tibet highway and China-Nepal highways.
Douglas, an American, shares the similar experience. He is operating a fine coffee shop in the most bustling district of Lhasa.
Douglas said, "It’s very convenient and terrific as the coffee beans are consigned by air from Italy."
About one week ago the most challenging work on the Qinghai-Tibet Power Grid Interconnection Project was completed. Now the coffee shop will never close down from lack of electricity.
"Electricity is important to my shop, especially for espresso machine, ice cube machine and the lights." Said Douglas.
With great tasting coffee and a comfortable environment, more and more customers are spending their time here. Douglas has operated two other coffee shops and will be opening another. Business is booming
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