Nanning Weather

Nanning falls within subtropical monsoon region; it has a quite moderate climate with sufficient sunlight and plentiful rainfall.

Renowned as a Green City with evergreen trees and everblooming flowers owing to its superior weather conditions, Nanning is a city suitable for travelling throughout the year. It has a warm winter and an annual average temperature of 21.7 ℃. The hottest season falls in July and August with an average temperature of 28.2 ℃. In summer, it is hot humid and has a large precipitation, and sometimes the temperature may reach to 38 ℃; therefore, to travel in Nanning in summer, sun glasses, sunbonnet and umbrella are your necessary accompanying articles. January is the coldest month, though the average temperature is still above 12 ℃.

In addition, from late October to middle November every year, it is the festive season of Nanning as well as the best time to visit Nanning. The prestigious China ASEAN Exposition, tourism festival, and a series of cultural and recreational activities, such as the Evening Party of the Southeast Asia Customs, the Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival, the Masters’ Golf, Food Festival, etc. On the occasion, tourists can take part in those interesting activities of great local colors.