Mt. Qingxiu

Chinese name: 青秀山 (Qinxiu Shan).
Location: in Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (aka. Guangxi Province).
Ticket: CNY15.
Opening time: 07:00-17:00.
How to get there: take buses No.10, 32, 33, 71, 601, No.1 or No.2 Ring Road Line, get off at Qing Xiushan Damen Station (青秀山大门站,Mt. Qingxiu Gate Station).
Best time to visit: all year round.

Introduction to Mt. Qingxiu

The Qingxiu Mountain (or Qing Mountain, Taiqin Peak), is situated on the bank of the Yongjiang River and about 9 kilometers away from the southeast of Nanning City, provincial capital of Guangxi. It stretches more than 4.07 square kilometers with an altitude of about 82 meters to 189 meters above sea level and consists of 18 peaks including Qingshan Peak and Phenix Peak. Although not particular high, the Qingxiu Mountain developed as a famous summer resort and scenic spot in this area for centuries. Proclaimed as 'Giant Lung” of Nanning city, it is renowned for its pleasant climate, culture charm and marvelous green scenery for all four seasons. A pagoda was built on the peak in Ming Dynasty and defined as the avatar of Qingxiu Mountain. Surrounded by thick and bosky trees and precipitous rocks, two artificial pools - Tianchi(天池, Heaven Pool ) and Yaochi(瑶池, Jade Pool) afford more enchanting sights than you imagine when walking on the way to peak. More than 1,200,000 visitors flock to the Qingxiu Mountain of Nanning City each year, it becomes one of the most popular tourist destinations in Guangxi.

Brief History

The original Mt. Qingxiu Scenic Spot of Nanning City was established in the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties with an area of more than 11,800 acres. It has remained a decade-long period of prosperity in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and then begun to collapse at the end of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The place has fallen into disrepair and was crumbling at last. Time wore away and it has been forgotten gradually. The relics of all dynasties and a variety of fairy tale stories handed down become the only evidences to prove its previous prosperity. After liberation, the city grows stronger and every aspect of life is given adequate attention. In 1968, the Qingxiu Scenic Spot was rebuilt by local government. Original tourist attractions have been re-established and well improved. More than 23 new sites emerge at the same time and bring more delights to visitors. On October 1st, 1987, the Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Spot of Nanning City was formally opened to all visitors. It is considered as one of the strongest icons of Nanning City and really worthies the time to explore.

Longxiang Pagoda

With a unique architectural style of Ming Dynasty, the pagoda on the top of mountain is commonly known as Longxiang Pagoda (龙象塔,Dragon and Elephant Pagoda) or Qingshan Pagoda (青山塔,Green Mountain Pagoda). It is located in the Fengyi Peak (凤翼岭) and originally built in 1618 with a height of 33 meters in Ming Dynasty. The pagoda was damaged by thunder and lightning in 1624 and pulled down in 1937 during the war. After resort the pagoda in 1986, it is seen as the icon of Mt Qingxiu and the highest Pagoda in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region with a height of 60 meters and a total of 9 stories. Meanwhile, 12 meters diameter is served as the pagoda base and visitors can take 207 staircases in the interior of the pagoda and reach the top for enjoying the panoramic view of whole Nanning City.

Artificial Pools

Tianchi(天池, Heaven Pool) covers an area of 15,000 square meters with a depth of around 2-3 meters. The pavilion has stayed in the pool, providing a great place where visitors can rest in a calm and comfortable atmosphere. Glistening water, green pine, verdant grass and azure sky reflect on clear and clean water and feature a breathtaking picture. While Yaochi(瑶池, Jade Pool) lies to the east of "Three Gods Temple"(Goddess of Zhuang minority: Luojia, Goddess of wisdom: Bu Lietuo, God of Brave: Bubo ). It occupies 5,000 square meters with 2 statues of the Queen of Heaven in the centre of pool and a vivid relief about "eight treasures" on the east of bank. Tianchi is surrounded by beautiful peach trees and radiates a feeling of youth and tranquility of nature. Peach trees create a magical glow when spring boom is coming.  All visual beauty you desire can be found here: sweet smell, exotic flowers, pink clouds and snowy mountains. This is a sea of peach blossoms.

Golf Course

The only 18-hole championship golf course in Nanning City is located in foothills of Qiuxiu Mountain Scenic Spot, named Qingxiu International Golf Course and about 10 kilometers away from the downtown. With an area of 1,500 acres, the golf course has wide open views of three green hills, opening to Yongjiang River. It was opened to public in June, 2004. The site is challenging and becomes popular among golfers. Combining with the latest design skills, the course has maximized the potential of land by adopting a completely new steel and glass style. Seashore paspalum greens, over 20 pools, automatic sprinkler system, computer management system, luxury hotels and comfortable guestrooms provide an abundance of amenities for visitors. The course has hosted several important tournaments and many events since 2004. Diverse functions are fully utilized in the course including golf, conferences, business promotions and parties etc.

Botanical Garden

A wide range of subtropical plants are displayed in botanical garden including Cycas Gardeb, Palm Garden and Rainforest. Due to appear in the world for more than 200 million years ago since Cenozoic, cycas has been considered as a living fossil and the oldest plant. About 200 species of cycas currently survive, only 20 of them are found in China. And it is listed as one of "First Class National protected plants" here. Palm Garden is 250 acres of more than 800 palm species and 6,000 living plants. The so called "Rainforest" in botanical garden is a miniature of real rainforest. It is terrific for its dense jungle, various exotic plants and humid environment. Ever-changing beauty in botanical garden fascinates visitors at your every turn.

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