Xichan Temple Photos

  • Xichan Temple is an aged-old national key temple with an international fame.
  • The peaceful scene in Xichan Temple
  • The Bao'en Pagoda in the temple
  • Tombs of eminent monks in the temple
  • The Avalokitesvara Hall
  • The rockery
  • The painted arhats in the temple
  • A side hall in Xichan Temple
  • The Qixing Well
  • The millennium years old ancient banyan tree
  • The Dragon Stone Pillars
  • The architecture in the temple
  • Xichan Temple is an aged-old national key temple with an international fame.
  • The peaceful scene in Xichan Temple
  • The Bao'en Pagoda in the temple
  • Tombs of eminent monks in the temple
  • The Avalokitesvara Hall
  • The rockery
  • The painted arhats in the temple
  • A side hall in Xichan Temple
  • The Qixing Well
  • The millennium years old ancient banyan tree
  • The Dragon Stone Pillars
  • The architecture in the temple