Flower Lake

Chinese name: 花湖 (Hua Hu)
Location: Near the Chinese National Highway 213 between Ruoergai County of Sichuan Province and Langmusi Town of Gansu Province.
Opening time: All day long.
Entrance fee: CNY75.
How to get to Flower Lake: Public transportation to the scenic area is limited; it is suggested to take a private car to get there. The following are three directions to Flower Lake by car:
- Depart from Ruoergai County: The distance is around 40 kilometers; the road is good for driving.
- Depart from the First Bend of Yellow River: It is about 90 kilometers; most of the road surface is unhardened.
- Depart from Langmusi Town: It is around 40 kilometers; the road is good for driving.
Transportation in the scenic area: There is sightseeing bus with whole journey of 15 kilometers, and the cost of the bus is CNY30.
Best time for visit: May-August.
Nearby attractions: Ruoergai Grassland, First Bend of Yellow River, Langmu Temple

Introduction to Flower Lake – The Paradise on Earth
Flower Lake is a natural lake located in Gers Dam Grassland, which is the second largest grassland in China only after the Hulunbuir Grassland. It is said that travelling to Flower Lake from any places where people live together is a competition of stamina and imagination, however, there is no doubt the attractiveness of the lake is tremendous - once set out no one would give up on the halfway.

The way commonly used to the lake is departing from Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, and it is a long journey with more than 500 kilometers. After arriving in Wenchuan (a county in Sichuan Province, which is a severely hit area of the 2008 Sichuan/Wenchuan Earthquake), it still needs about 7-8 driving hours passing through the National Highway 213 to get to Ruoergai then Flower Lake. When leave the car you may walk for around twenty minutes to arrive at the scenic area. Though it sounds tiring, the beauties there will definitely stimulate you. As you approaching, the wonderland-like Flower Lake gently emerges from the carpet of green grass on the horizon, making you feel like you were in a dream.

People tell that once see Flower Lake you will have the feeling of meeting the person you fall in love with at first sight, the breathtaking beauty dazzle you as a hammer right striking your heart. The absolute blue water conveys an indescribable purity, and beautiful clouds reflected in the lake even lure you walking into its heart to get a close touch. Soft winds come down with scents of grass and wild flowers and ripple the surface of the lake, making the originally mirror-like lake as some musical notes dancing on it. Flower Lake is also an important habitat of wild birds, ruddy shelducks, bar-headed geese, swans and other wild animals live freely there. If you are fortunate enough, you may come across black swans and red-crowned cranes in July nested by the lake.

Flower Lake Travel Tips:
1. Flower Lake is most beautiful from June to mid-July, when the sunlight is sufficient and flowers are blooming.
2. Pay attention to the weather before going, heavy rainfall may wash out roads.
3. Flower Lake is situated in eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the temperature there is about 10 degree Celsius lower than that of plain, make sure enough clothes are brought with you.

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